PRactical Theology of DEMENTIA

At end of my 2nd year in seminary at YDS, I discovered theologian John Swinton’s work: Dementia: Living in the Memories of God. It was there where I first read about this practical theology born out of disability theology and caring for those experiencing dementia. At once, his work highlighted true connections between what I had just survived and what I was coming to believe. Watching my mother’s Alzheimer’s progress was difficult to process in light of the deep Christian faith tradition that we both shared. I had questions, I wanted to predict the future, but mostly I wanted to know how to minister to us both during this journey. I not only recommend the book, but I also encourage you to consider how many different ways God embraces our vulnerability and dependence on each other and on the Spirit of God. The biggest take away is that God will always hold you in God’s memory because that is who God is. Stay tuned for more revelations and ideas in conference with Swinton’s work.
