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“You cannot use someone else’s fire. You can only use your own. In order to do that, you must first be willing to believe that you have it.”- Audre Lorde

Welcome! This website is my digital attempt to be willing to believe in the fire that God has started inside my heart and soul. I believe that any real fire needs the oxygen, breath, and life of everything around it to survive. So, I do not strive to cultivate this burning alone. I pray that you would partner with me along this journey of discovery, evolution, and healing.

I am a minister, educator, writer, friend. I am a wife, daughter, aunt, niece, and cousin. On the day that I am typing this, I am willing to believe, as Audre invites us, that there is something I have read, learned, or experienced that is worthy of sharing with you. I look forward to hearing what you might also share.

For now, my work is committed to exploring the possibilities of community, the richness of intergenerational exchange and the lessons we can all learn about the vibrancy of living. As a loving daughter, I have walked the road of concerned caregiver and have come to understand the depths of dementia through my parents’ struggles. Similarly, I have witnessed the fear of elders who resist living into their good deaths. Mine is a walk informed and inspired by the Christian faith — for all its flaws — I remain committed to exploring what and where resurrection resides.